Year: 2015

7512507344 01a1702c6f z Organizations Help Young Girls Gain Confidence through Running

Organizations Help Young Girls Gain Confidence through Running

According to the World Health Organization, girls suffer from anxiety and depression twice as often as boys. However, several non-profit organizations are offering a way for girls to run, which will help them connect better with themselves, and teach things like confidence, steady breathing, and self-discipline.

Title IX Girls was founded by Stacy Rodriguez-Rennard in 2007. She is a mental health clinician who is also a passionate runner. “Girls between 9 and 15 are in a very precarious stage of development,” she says, “They’re operating from a very emotional and not-so-rational place.”…

ap540825140492 The Oldest Female to Finish a Marathon Does So at 92

The Oldest Female to Finish a Marathon Does So at 92

Harriette Thompson is 92 years old and has survived cancer twice, but that hasn’t stopped her from running in marathons every year to raise money for cancer charities or becoming the oldest woman to run in and complete a marathon.

A resident of Charlotte, NC, Thompson recently completed the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon. Her unofficial finishing time was 7:24:36 for the full 26.2 miles.…

4083813727 4c2bb7d645 b Why Barefoot Running was the Best and Worst

Why Barefoot Running was the Best and Worst

Barefoot running was one of the biggest crazes in the running world, and was insanely popular a few years ago, particularly because of the book by Christopher McDougall, “Born to Run,” which is being made into a movie with Matthew McConaughey as the lead. The idea was simple: take your shoes off, and let the natural motion combined with a perfectly balanced landing on your bare foot and all of your aches and pains will go away.

McDougall called Huntington Beach resident Ken Bob Saxton the “great bearded sage” when it came to barefoot running. However, as barefoot running became …

pram Mother and Son to Set Marathon World Record

Mother and Son to Set Marathon World Record

On Sunday at the Abingdon Marathon, Jessica and Daniel Bruce became the first mother and son team to complete a marathon while the mother was pushing a pram.

Daniel Bruce was only 7 months old during the marathon, and was likely the only competitor there who didn’t hit a wall on account of the fact that he spent most of the first 20 miles napping and kept himself hydrated by drinking a bottle of milk around mile 21.…

jamigoldmanmarseilles From Couch Potato to Amputee to Marathon Runner

From Couch Potato to Amputee to Marathon Runner

Originally from Huntington Beach California, Jami Marseilles says that she never did much with her legs when she did have them, and she certainly never would have expected herself to ever try running a marathon, much less with prosthetic legs.

But, when Marseilles was 19, she lost both of her legs to frost bite and was then fitted with prosthetics. It was then that she did start exercising, and eight years after that she decided to try running. Now, she’s decided she wants to become the first female bi-lateral amputee to complete a full marathon. It took another eight years …

steve How to Win Dates During a Marathon

How to Win Dates During a Marathon

If you’re Steve Bergstrom, age 30, the answer is this: take off your shirt, write a personal ad across your back, and then run in a marathon. And, in the Chicago Marathon on October 17, that’s exactly what he did.

After removing his shirt, he got his cousin to help him by first writing “Single” across his back. Then, he made sure to include his first and last name and mention that he could be found on Facebook. From there, all that was left was to run the 26.2 miles for everyone to see.…

15128192759 d67983f35f z Try Trail Running to Beat Anxiety

Try Trail Running to Beat Anxiety

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science recently released an article that shows a clear connection between spending time on trails and relieving anxiety. Researchers at Stanford University did a study to determine whether or not time in nature could help break people out of the vicious cycle of negative thinking which leads to a greater risk of depression as well as other mental illnesses.

There were two groups in the study. One group went for a 90-minute fast-paced walk in nature while the other group spent the same amount of time at the same speed but in an …

5946647074 dd3f3539ae z 6 Things I Learned from Running

6 Things I Learned from Running

The challenges, gifts and accomplishments we find in running parallel our everyday lives. Here are some lessons we can all learn about life from running.

1. Control what you can, and let the rest go

During training time, you have to put in all that you can and prepare yourself well for the upcoming test, but when it comes time to taper, it’s also time to just let things go and trust that you’ve done all that you can do, and that when you face the test, you will prevail because of the hard work you put in.

2. Be

5946465214 4c7302c66d z 3 Quick Tricks to Take Your Running to the Next Level

3 Quick Tricks to Take Your Running to the Next Level

Preparing yourself mentally is just as important as the physical training you do with your body. These 3 quick tricks will help you overcome your mental obstacles which will in turn help you overcome any physical obstacle that you may encounter, and they come from Traci Statler, who is one of the motivators of the USA Track & Field team.

1. Visualization

When you play out scenarios in your mind ahead of time, you will be more prepared to deal with them when they actually arrive. Before you even begin a run, take a moment to close your eyes and …

